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Plague Forest
Mordania Cliffs
Mordania Kingdom
Abandoned Mine
Mordania Gates
Located on the Western Continent of Abnolis.
Was unexplored until Davarok and his people located it and called it their own.
Most of the region is covered by a purple dense mist called “Dark Mist” covering the land like a blanket. The effects of the Dark Mist are known to cause aggression & mutation among the creatures of the land.
Most of the creatures in this region have been mutated into what are now called “Plague monsters”
Mordania City was originally inhabited by monsters, Davarok and his people claimed the abandoned castle and built it, into what it is today.
As the Mordanian settlers began to expand their empire they went in search of rock material & Iron Ore material to build up weaponry and equipment. They found a deep cave in the northern region of the region which was filled with the “Dark Mist” in excavating they found a dangerous beast which breathed the same “Dark Mist” which they called a “Plague Dragon”.